30.09.2011 – Ascog wind developer sets out his plans

On the morning of 21.09.2011 Argyll & Bute Council approved planning permission for the temporary erection of a 50m high wind monitoring mast at Ascog Farm.

Following a hectic drive from Lochgilphead back to Bute that day Adrian gave a joint talk with Reeni from Towards Zero Carbon Bute (TZCB) that evening to the Bute Community Council on the subject of renewable energy.

Given the interest in the topic and the announcement of the talk some days earlier the public meeting was surprisingly sparsely attended.

However, local paper The Buteman reported some of the plans that surround green energy at Ascog should the project get off the ground.

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©The Buteman

For those with an interest in Adrian’s presentation it can be found here (Adobe ® PDF).