source url Hot on the heels of last week’s objections to wind power from some at the Bute Community Council meeting there is a bit more news of the event in The Buteman. Apparently, ‘Ascog resident, Mr John Thomas, said “People are very concerned and very scared… the [proposed] turbines are taller than Nelson’s Column and they’re kinetic – they move.”‘ Well, we’re glad that Mr Thomas has the wit to recognise that turbines move, since if they didn’t they wouldn’t do much to generate electricity! Tramadol From Uk Otherwise, apart from some attempts by near Ascog neighbour Mr Tony Harrison to worry everyone into early graves with talk of ‘instances around the world of sickness caused by wind turbines and… subsonic sound’ (the worst sort of scaremongering nonsense) it’s the usual Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) type of stuff!
go to linkOrder Tramadol With Cod Poor Mr Thomas goes on to note that he and his wife ‘moved to the island three or four years ago and… came here because it is truly one of the most beautiful places along the west of Scotland. We would like it to stay that way.’
Can You Purchase Tramadol OnlinePurchase Tramadol Cod Shipping We will wait to see what Argyll & Bute Council make to the planning application for turbines at Ascog Farm.
Tramadol Order OvernightTramadol Purchase Cod Meantime it’s worth pointing out that:
source link- No one ‘owns the view’, the landscape is and always has been in a constant state of change.
- Bute’s land was not created purely for aesthetes or retirees to look out on, it should work to earn its keep.
see url There are plenty of other wind energy schemes nearby and we hope that a three turbine wind energy project at Ascog Farm will soon get off the ground.