13.04.2012 – Ardbeg turbines: just the start of something big?

Tramadol Buy Online Cheap Shortly after three small wind turbines were commissioned at Ardbeg Farm the https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/bueir8niyoj Buteman local paper states that ‘The newest additions to Bute’s skyline are already attracting interest from island residents keen to find out how they, too, can benefit from the power of wind.

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follow Whilst the reaction of a larger number of people on Facebook to a Bute FM poll asking turbines Good or Bad was positive (122 for, 14 against) there is always going to be someone you cannot please. This week it is letter writer Mr Frank Hill with a poetic ‘blight’.


source url Undoubtedly the words ‘total blight’, ‘wholesale destruction’, ‘wanton monstrosities’, ‘whirling nuisances’ and so on will soon be gracing the letters pages once again. Tilting at windmills anyone?

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https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/98md7my9x Hopefully larger turbines at Ascog Farm will be next through planning slightly later this year!

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