08.03.2012 – Community Energy Scotland endorses Ascog progress

https://dcinematools.com/nghzzu5b Our friends at Community Energy Scotland (CES) are pleased with wind energy investigation progress at Ascog Farm.


https://www.marineetstamp.com/sk7uwjj66 Following the recent erection of a meteorological mast to measure wind speed conditions CES are pleased to report that developments at Ascog are proceeding in a timely way.

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https://alldayelectrician.com/u4mzveqebj Ascog Farm is amongst the first batch of successful appplicants to the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme which seeks to generate 500 megawatts of community and locally owned energy by 2020.

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=aam9235 © watch Community Energy Scotland

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/b1u3efxzqv Felix Wright from Community Energy Scotland, which administers the Community and Renewable Energy Scheme on behalf of the Scottish Government, notes that “Everyone stands to benefit from the proposed Ascog Hill Development. It will produce income for an on-island business and support community activities. These turbines can reduce our dependence on fossil fuel generated electricity for decades to come.”

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