There’s an interesting article in watch The Buteman this week pointing out that a small number of Ascog residents are objecting to many new developments both on and around Bute. Tramadol With Cod Over near Toward Point the local farmer wants to install a single 225kW wind turbine, presumably to generate some power either to offset the cost of operations or to try and bring some money in during what has been a perilous time for farming of late.
Diazepam Buy Nowclick here Guess what?! Even though they won’t see the turbine from their homes the ‘usual suspects’ from the Ascog-led anti-wind brigade are trying to flood Argyll & Bute Council with objections!
heresee One objector, ‘local’ man John Thomas who bought Balmory Hall 8 March 2010 stated in his objection that ‘We are all mindful of the need for green energy but… the height of the proposed turbine means that it would be visible from Rothesay [such that] hundreds of families and businesses would have a very clear view of this industrial, kinetic structure, as well as every potential visitor.’
click herewatch Sounds like a case of NIMBYism gone mad…
clickfollow link Elsewhere in this weeks paper there are two peculiar letters that really speak (if they can be understood) for themselves. Mr Ronnie Falconer of Hawkstone Lodge (purchased 10 April 2008) is correct to alert everyone to the presence of geese around Loch Ascog, and even includes a photograph.
see© Buy Diazepam 5Mg Uk The Buteman Unfortunately, the picture is taken at the other end of the Loch where the geese mainly congregate.
seego The scientific study of bird (and bat… and otter…) ecology is detailed at great length in the Environmental Impact Assessment into the wind energy project at Ascog Farm.
Order Valium Online Cod This document will be released shortly and will prove substantially more informative than Mr Falconer’s picture.
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