25.01.2012 – Meteorological mast Day Two

Tramadol Ultram Online It’s Burns Night, the haggis has just been ‘cut up’ and there’s been a heavy wind with driving rain all day as the meteorological mast is assembled and tested.


https://purestpotential.com/th4l1r3ozg9 Up on the Hill of Ascog Burns’ immortal words ring true:


https://www.yolascafe.com/jip155jmg Thanks to our friends from Chillwind and local contractor Iain ‘Bomber’ Reid the met mast has continued to take shape.

get link The ground anchors must be tested to make sure they can take the strain
Paypal Tramadol Meanwhile the bird diverters SNH insisted on are fitted
https://purestpotential.com/omop1bu Back at another anchoring point more strain testing is done
https://www.mreavoice.org/t40pkiqun This one came out – the resin hadn’t gone down the drill hole sufficiently
https://lpgventures.com/1min1b5e So it’s in with another one. Nice rock drill!!
https://geolatinas.org/qryrzfa The digger arm helps make a fulcrum…
go Lifted gently into the air by the SuperWinch on the trusty Defender
https://danivoiceovers.com/0ulzp460j The gib is going up, tomorrow this will come all the way over bringinig the mast up with it
Order Tramadol Mexico At the far (top) end of the mast itself we have Ignition, later allowing the instruments to be rigged up

https://geolatinas.org/gv72ri32 Tomorrow, allowing for wind direction and strength (not too strong, from behind the base, ie the predominant Sou’westerly) we should have Lift Off.


https://alldayelectrician.com/nr5rp9kb The instruments have since been fitted so once the mast is upright we will soon start to know just how strongly the wind blows over Ascog Farm.
