see Somewhat over a year ago, several months before our planning application for a 50m high meteorological mast at Ascog Farm was approved, planners in Argyll & Bute Council noted an ‘avalanche of concern’ regarding the proposals. site Those who’ve been following the story since then won’t be surprised to learn that The Buteman reports that planners have yet more ‘concerns’ about the proposal for 3 community benefit wind turbines at Ascog Farm.
source siteBuy Discount Tramadol The article this week is a fuller report of last week’s events in which it became apparent that Scottish Natural Heritage advise Argyll & Bute Council against acceptance of the scheme on visual grounds alone. So far, excepting Bute Community Council, SNH are the only statutory consultee to voice any form of ‘objection’ to the proposals.
Can You Order Tramadol Online Legallygo site Following receipt of the SNH statutory consultation Argyll & Bute Council did write to us asking whether we would withdraw the planning application, or whether we would furnish more material and continue. Hcl 50 Mg Purchase We will take the latter course.