12.12.2014 – Solar photovoltaic array granted planning permission

https://alldayelectrician.com/7ovk9ecj5qw Having tried, but failed, to gain planning permission for the installation of three wind turbines at Ascog Farm – a rational choice, one would have thought, given the extremely windy conditions at the farm – we are delighted to report that Argyll & Bute Council has approved our plans for the ‘Installation of ground mounted solar panel array with associated works’ in the south-facing, south-sloping field in front of the old cottage.

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https://purestpotential.com/uwirzmm The array will consist of up to 980 photovoltaic panels providing 250kW of rated output. Sheep will continue to graze the field and, as The Ecologist reports, the panels will provide a haven for such wildlife as bumblebees whilst also contributing to the UK’s energy needs, some 7% of which could be met by installation of on-farm solar arrays.


https://penielenv.com/vijuh7qs7x A Grid Connection Offer was made by Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc on 7 January 2015 and this was accepted on 13 January 2015.

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source url It is expected that electrical connection works will be completed during Summer 2016 to coincide with installation and energisation of the panels.

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