Tramadol Buy Uk These characters have written in to The Buteman before, but following some considered comments in last week’s paper our correspondents cannot help wading in yet again! Mr Tony Burns charmed last week with his ‘snouts in troughs’ allusion criticising a perceived subsidy regime that does not exist. This week he is relying on his instincts in an attempt to prove that a small-scale, locally-owned wind energy project at Ascog Farm will destroy the world as he knows it.
see url Mr Burns is right to say that we should seek to minimise our energy usage going forward. Tidal power may even be an option in some locations (although not around Bute, which has a low tidal range). However, we’re not so sure his instincts are right in all regards. Perhaps recent demographically representative surveys of opinions on wind and tourism are a little more balanced than one man’s views…
Tramadol Online Order Meanwhile, old favourite Mr Jim Mitchell is back!
click hereclick In the past he has accused us of being ‘greedy’ ‘carpetbaggers’ despite our stated aim of contributing around £1 million to the local community if planning permission for turbines is granted!
goclick Last week Mr Mitchell himself came in for some criticism when another local man, Mr Kennedy-Boyle, suggested that these ‘personal attacks’ on us might not be entirely justified. Not to be outdone Mr Mitchell has responded in style with a Letters Extra feature in The Buteman
go hereTramadol Visa This letter is so long, with such twisted logic and further insulting comments variously directed, that it really speaks for itself. ‘Blighted horizons’? No. ‘Bonkers letter writer’? Yes! url It is not worth dissecting this sort of putrid stuff so we will not lower ourselves.