11.11.2012 – The campaign of misinformation gathers pace!

http://www.mscnantes.org/m1g52ydg8s Handbills, being delivered door-to-door by a small but presumably willing army of anti-wind campaigners, are now circulating around Bute – spreading complete misinformation about our proposed wind energy scheme and, on the face of it, trying to frighten people into submitting objections to the Argyll & Bute planning department.

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https://www.yolascafe.com/0ggoj5xew We reported earlier in the year how, in what we believe is a first, anti-wind campaigners had submitted their objections to the as yet unlodged planning application to Bute Community Council before the details of the project were even known.


Tramadol Buy Online The document submitted by the objectors featured a real ‘copy and paste’ special with a range of speculation, amateur graphics and spurious ‘information’.


https://lpgventures.com/c5vfd6fph How sad, now that the full Environmental Statement has been published that members of the anti-wind activist movement continue to attempt to spread misinformation and utterly misleading graphics when information about the project – including accurate computer-generated photomontages – are all available both on this site and on the Argyll & Bute Council web site (albeit in a more or less non-obvious way: follow the link, click on ‘View associated documents’ which should open a new window – unless you have a pop-up blocker, in which case disable it – then use the arrows or navigation to go to the last page or click the image and work backwards until you start to see the documents submitted, e.g. one titled Environmental Statement).

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Purchase Tramadol Online Cheap The flyers being punted around door-to-door are reproduced below. Typically – as many but not all of the documents in the anti-wind objection pack (3.2MB PDF) bear witness – no author is credited, although we have our suspicions about their true origin.

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watch The lack of a name may, perhaps, prove fortunate for the author(s) and/or distributor(s) of the leaflets if we are advised that the presentation and dissemination of such material is actionable. ‘Concerned Residents’ may, of course, voice their concerns; but these should be based on fact and accurately reference the planning documents submitted.


Page 1 of the misinformation missive

Page 2 of the misinformation missive

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=aaylyme9 Turning to the flyer in detail it is apparent that the wind turbines pictured look truly enormous, seemingly looming over the view from Barone Road:


Close-up of Page 1

go here Turbines this size would be visible from space! No wonder they are scaring people into objecting.

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Tramadol Buy Online Usa A more realistic view of the likely visual impact if the turbines are consented (from page 19 of Appendix F (Part II) of the planning documents [28MB PDF]) is given below:


The correct information, from a similar viewpoint (Click picture to see full detail)

https://mocicc.org/agricultura/r474ig4 Now, we don’t mind people objecting to our plans – although, of course, we’d love people to support clean, green, renewable energy generation that will financially benefit the community on Bute – but we do object very strongly to blatant misinformation. The whole point of conducting an extremely detailed Environmental Impact Assessment into the scheme is to present impartially gathered and factual information.


enter The flyer also mentions:


https://purestpotential.com/e34dvzam Those gullible enough to believe in the truly gigantic wind turbines pictured in the anti-wind flyer – so big that one might well think they would cause noise or shadow flicker issues in a much wider area – may already have written with objections to the Council.


Online Tramadol Store We have minds in order to use our intelligence. Having spent a great deal of time gathering impartial evidence into the plans for renewable wind energy generation at Ascog Farm it is only fair that citizens should be presented with facts rather than half-truths or misleading ‘information’.

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Order Tramadol Overnight Visa Wind turbines are big, but they’re not as big as those pictured, won’t fry our brains or kill us in our sleep. They generate power without fuel, quickly repay the carbon cost of their construction and installation and – on a windy island with a generally poor economic outlook – actually offer a mechanism for generating revenue. This we are happy to share with those around us.

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https://lpgventures.com/c01dp492 What’s not to like?